Technical Portfolio

The technology portfolio lists some of our decision support system and data science project realisations, reflecting our experience. Client references are not included for confidentiality reasons.

Intellectual property
IP Decision support systems for full availability trademark searching; automated scoring systems and decision support analyst tools for review (brand establishment).
→ multiple global companies, EU and US.
IP retrieval and scoring systems for IP (patents, trademarks, company names & common law sources).
→ multiple global companies, EU and US.
Patent clustering and classification; prediction models for patent assignees; classification models of subject matter and clusters (graph random walk methods).
→ global company, EU and US.
Similarity matching for Global Trademark Word Watching; with neural network similarity matching, statistics and language technologies (brand protection).
→ multiple global companies, EU and US.

Compliance and regulatory
Compliance workflow systems and authorisation logic (insurance and social security).
→ SME and government, Belgium.
SaaS solution for compliance and asset management in agrichemical sector (including high-performance distributed similarity matching and workflow integrations).
→ global companies, EU.
Web data crawling solutions for market and legal information, in support of paralegal analytics and decision making.
→ global company, EU.
Regulatory categorisation and automatic taxonomy composition of global regulatory health and safety content.
→ global company, EU.

Deep learning with word embeddings and topic models for semantic text analysis in legal tech applications.
→ multiple SME, EU.
Semantic analysis, alignment and text similarity (for copyright infringement cases and comparison of health ontologies).
→ multiple SME, EU.
Named entity recognition for automatic tagging of IP content and semantic tagging of media content for legal tech applications.
→ multiple SME, EU.
Machine translation using translation memories and large-scale web content extraction and mapping.
→ global company, EU and US.

Architecture, design and implementation of decision support and automation in domain of smart grids and demand-supply multi-agents.
→ research institute, Netherlands.
Predictive maintenance and operational analytics for airport baggage handling services (simulation, fault propagation and load predictions).
→ airport service provider, EU.
Industrial Quality Analytics with prediction models for various industries.
→ multiple SME, Belgium.
Fault-diagnosis system of subway trains for use in dispatching decision making; with expert logic on symptoms, cause and effects.
→ government, Belgium.

BI and analytics in health insurance, both on technical implementation and organisational data management levels.
→ health insurance fund, Belgium.
Customer churn prediction models in healthcare; with ensemble ML models on customer features and relation networks for viral effects.
→ health insurance fund, Belgium.
Solution architecture for health data regulatory analytics.
→ agencies, EU.
Solution architectures for European Health Data Space for primary use (health care, cross-border) and secondary use (research, policy-making and regulatory).
→ agencies, EU.

Finance and insurance
Neural credit scoring for risk analysis of cash credits and investments credits; with neural network scoring on historic dossiers.
→ multiple financial companies, Belgium.
Credit scoring and risk management for personal loans and financing; with neural network classification models.
→ multiple financial companies, Belgium.
Parameter optimisation for insurance models (genetic algorithms to explore policies).
→ insurance company, Belgium.

Customer analytics
Recommendation engine for news publication product of large media group, recommending articles on topics of interest to single news asset subscribers from multiple news assets.
→ media group, Belgium.
Analytics on customer usage data for behavioural customer segmentation to drive product innovation and differentiation.
→ global company, US.
Omnichannel analytics solution design for logistics sector, including technical design, data management and data governance setup and guidance.
→ logistics SME, Belgium.

Data and AI platforms
Architecture and organisation assessments on data integration practices, tools and operational integrations, for a regulatory agency.
→ agency, EU.
Solution design and AI architecture for chemical data platform, unifying multiple agencies assets and sources.
→ agencies, EU.
Insights platform architecture and knowledge graphs.
→ SME, EU.
Image clustering using local descriptors with metric tree indexing, and deep learning image similarity models.
→ global company, US.

The descriptions on our portfolio projects are brief and intentionally do not reveal client references or business case specifics on value add. For more information and background on these types of realisations, please contact us to explore options for your business.